Strange Brew by John Deering for June 03, 2010

  1. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  almost 15 years ago

    The princess stayed high in her tower She grew beard that she would lower. Burna Shave

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  2. Zappa sheik
    ksoskins  almost 15 years ago

    It’s that creepy Burger King again. You should have been suspicious when Rapunzel asked if you wanted fries with that.

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  3. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  almost 15 years ago

    Yes it is. She just used Nair before posing for her picture.

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  4. Submissions 039
    davesmithsit  almost 15 years ago

    And what a FACE!

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    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    A gay prince can always use a good beard.

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    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    Trust me: I’ve had my kids yank on my beard and there’s no way she’s letting that guy climb up that far.

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  7. Missing large
    starguy  almost 15 years ago

    Sir Launcelot in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”:

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  8. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Rapunzel, Rapunzel, your hair’s a let-down!

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  9. Kirk inspirational posters james t kirk 7685921 750 600
    captainedd  almost 15 years ago

    So hard to tell a real picture from Photoshop…

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