Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for August 05, 2015
Marigold: I have embraced this human concept of "fan letters." I have written Lord Splendid Humility, telling him how much I admire him. Phoebe: All he ever does in hide in a bush. Marigold: He is FAR TOO HUMBLE to let you see his great beauty. Phoebe: Yeah, right. I think he just has nose warts. Marigold: They would be MAGNIFICENT nose warts.
ThomasKDye over 9 years ago
“A thing of beauty such as myself would never allow herself to be called ‘Spindlehead.’”
Rainbow_Spike over 9 years ago
grats with 1200th stripe
Q4horse over 9 years ago
Didn’t unicorns use a magic ball to send messages across dimensions? I remember one hitting Phoebe on the head.
strangeanimal over 9 years ago
pumaman over 9 years ago
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago
Unicorns develop crushes!
strangeanimal over 9 years ago
Ahh… not stripe, (s)he means “strip”! 1200 strips.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 9 years ago
Agreed Unicorn.
Stephen Gilberg over 9 years ago
Funny how cute it is when something gets stuck on a horn.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago
I just went and looked at NostrilshetchesThird Phoebe and her Unicorn book?!?!?!COOL!
Pusheen the Cat over 4 years ago
Are2Dee2 2 months ago
Of course they would. Haha