In the Sticks by Nathan Cooper for May 27, 2010

  1. Soldier  edit
    Kosher71  almost 15 years ago

    Aw nuts .

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  2. Missing large
    Lawrence Stetz Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Would that actually work?

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  3. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  almost 15 years ago

    Where do I sign up?

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  4. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    3HOURTOUR Do you work for the government, a defense contractor, or are you a recipient of government aid? Everyday you condemn The Tea Party for reduced government. I would assume you are for BIG government then. You believe the federal government should steal powers from the state governments that are (not were)stated in the Constitution.. You believe in unfunded federal mandates to the states. You believe that local government is inferior to BIG BROTHER. I believe my town can decide if our firemen wear yellow or orange but maybe those men on Capital Hill know better. They certainly know if yellow give them more campaign contributions than orange. I’m not saying “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” but putting too much power in so few hands would scare any rational person I realize that one party gives tax dollars to big business, the other party gives to poor people who might vote for them. Frightening is the concept of a party who wants no tax dollars to give anyone.

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  5. V  9
    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    Gee, and we thought YOU were the trolls. :-) (You know as opposed to someone using their free speech to have an opinion. Or isn’t that in your government-less society?)

    So no military. No freeways. No one making them put a kill switch on a oil platform to make sure it doesn’t erupt and ruin the Gulf. Oh, wait, that already happened.

    Spill, baby. Spill.

    Oh, and I hope you don’t want the federal government to chase illegals out. Like telling the Pres to do his job.

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  6. Beehive
    poohbear8192  almost 15 years ago


    I have a couple of words for you.


    I still love your avatar.

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  7. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    …I am not a troll..ok..maybe a little on my mother’s side…Let me just tell you just where I stand:

    “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    As a Christian that has read the Bible every day for forty years…I feel you can take the GOD part out of the pledge without hurting it.




    Where were you tea baggers when George Bush ran on smaller government and the fact that the locals should be able to run their own schools and then enactted the NATIONAL No Child Left Behind laws?Where were you when California passed the medical marijuana laws then Bush had the federal government bust the legal California growers?Where were you when the Bush administration circumvented Congressional legislation and broke Constitutional laws?

    The main reason for illegal aliens massing to our country is because individuals businesses are not punished for using them.Were unions once gave our country the highest standard of living in the world,business now amass hugh amounts of wealth on subjugated labor. This is the direct result of LESS regulations.

    We are THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.If we lose the moral high ground,what right do we have to tell others how to act,how to think?Think the Catholic Church.

    The treasury dept under Bush gave banks and other money lenders ‘trillions’ of under the table dollars!

    I work to pay my taxes until,I believe,May!

    I like paying my taxes.They give me good schools,good roads,police,firemen,military,parks..plenty and plenty of great things!

    It frustrating that the taxes that should go for my health and my welfare(after all they are my taxes),go to no bid government contracts where even the fines are paid via my taxes:This is big business with their hands in the cookie jar.


    If you Tea Baggers do not love our country,I will not say to you as you would say to me:Love it or leave it,but I will say,even though we disagree,we must stand united as a country,50 proud states and face the hard times with liberty and justice for all.

    Listen to Glen Beck,Sarah Palin,Fox news all you want,but also study your history,listen for the truth:LOVE YOUR COUNTRY!

    I’ve had my say.Delete me if you want.

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  8. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    3HOUR You amaze me. First, although I am not a member of the Tea party, why would you call them a childish, sexually suggestive name? Do you also use four letter words in conversations?

    I would hate to say anything anti-union but tell me. if the best teacher in your son’s school cannot be paid more than the worst because of the union, is that American? If your (YES it is your) tax dollar has to pay four laborers for a job that could be easily done by three, you can bet they’re union. Do you believe a man should be paid for his own work, or on a communist principle that all men’s work is equal?

    Maybe I have a different calendar than you, but when was the most money given away

    Forgive me if I don’t listen to Rush, Palin, or Beck but I do read The Nation and Republic. Besides TV Guide and Hustler, what do you read? That Constitution might be a good start. It first tells ten things the government can’t do. I think the first might have something to do about religion.The rest of the document goes on to say things like the fed can’t steal powers from the states, Fascinating reading, if you’re able to read.

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  9. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    …tea bagger a sexual term?sounds like you’re the one reading Hustler…after all The Dems symbol is the jack ass.The right is the anti-education party.Coming from a family of teachers,I know that your argument is just another smoke screen.What teachers need is smaller class rooms,proper equipment and better funding…not anti-union talk(which is just another business style lie..why mis-lead if you are telling the truth?).Poor systems in poor cities are the modern day Jim Crow seperate but equal schools.

    Your three to one workers is not what America is about.Where is the only place you don’t see illegals working?In union shops!Think about that.

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