Whedon hates the suits who force him to compromise then cancel. AND Walt needs an orthodontist.
At least Whedon got to make an excellent ending to “Firefly” with his movie “Serenity”.
(BTW, if you are as in love with Morena Baccarin as I am, you MUST be watching “V”.)
LOST was a huge wankfest. Those who watched got the ending they deserved.
March 20, 2015
Trisha_Evenstar almost 15 years ago
zero almost 15 years ago
Whedon hates the suits who force him to compromise then cancel. AND Walt needs an orthodontist.
pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago
At least Whedon got to make an excellent ending to “Firefly” with his movie “Serenity”.
(BTW, if you are as in love with Morena Baccarin as I am, you MUST be watching “V”.)
BrianCrook almost 15 years ago
LOST was a huge wankfest. Those who watched got the ending they deserved.