Our daughters came up with the idea of having a copy of our grocery list on Google Docs, accessible to all 4 of us. This way, when one of us notices that we’re out of something, we just mark it on the list. When we go grocery shopping, my husband pulls it up on his phone.
stellanova87 over 4 years ago
Depending how it’s cooked cauliflower can be very tasty, even to kids.
dwane.scoty1 over 4 years ago
Producing an alert facade might be Jeri’s forte!
Wren Fahel over 4 years ago
Our daughters came up with the idea of having a copy of our grocery list on Google Docs, accessible to all 4 of us. This way, when one of us notices that we’re out of something, we just mark it on the list. When we go grocery shopping, my husband pulls it up on his phone.
pianist337 over 4 years ago
Isn’t it supposed to be “If she thinks I’m going to produce cauliflower, she’s got another THINK coming?” When did it become “thing?”
Auntie Socialist over 4 years ago
Sweetie you couldn’t produce a happy thought
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
Why couldn’t she just write down cucumber? Is Cuke some kind of New Hampshire thing?
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
tracybsmith over 4 years ago
That misquote drives me CRAZY!!!