My mother always made Easter baskets for “anyone who lives under my roof”. One year, when my grandmother (father’s mother) was living with us, my mom went out of her way to make her a small basket with all of her absolute favorite treats. My grandmother scoffed & said, “I’m not a child!” I followed her up to her room. Now, I was always taught to respect my elders, so I very respectfully chewed her out. I explained to her the lengths that my mother went through to surprise her with that basket. She did eventually apologize.
Susan00100 over 3 years ago
I wonder if the grandparents noticed Jeri’s micro-mini. Maybe that cash was to buy more “concealing” clothes.
Wren Fahel over 3 years ago
My mother always made Easter baskets for “anyone who lives under my roof”. One year, when my grandmother (father’s mother) was living with us, my mom went out of her way to make her a small basket with all of her absolute favorite treats. My grandmother scoffed & said, “I’m not a child!” I followed her up to her room. Now, I was always taught to respect my elders, so I very respectfully chewed her out. I explained to her the lengths that my mother went through to surprise her with that basket. She did eventually apologize.
Milady Meg over 3 years ago
Maybe it can.
DDrazen over 3 years ago
I always get mixed emotions when stores start stocking solid milk chocolate crosses at Eastertime.
Barnabus Blackoak over 3 years ago
gram is kinda hot….
asrialfeeple over 3 years ago
Those girls have dem legs! Especially Teena! They’re gorgeous in that outfit.