I’ve never understood the attraction of opening (sneaking) Christmas gifts early. That takes away the wonder, magic, and anticipation (i.e., the fun stuff) of Christmas. As an older adult, I find it’s like reliving a little bit of my childhood. Opening one gift, or everything Christmas Eve is fine, however. My family started doing Christmas Eve when I was a teen and young adult.
The Pro from Dover almost 2 years ago
Spoiled little rich girl….
DDrazen almost 2 years ago
She’s pretty much outgrown Christmas and has no time for the wonder.
WF11 almost 2 years ago
I’ve never understood the attraction of opening (sneaking) Christmas gifts early. That takes away the wonder, magic, and anticipation (i.e., the fun stuff) of Christmas. As an older adult, I find it’s like reliving a little bit of my childhood. Opening one gift, or everything Christmas Eve is fine, however. My family started doing Christmas Eve when I was a teen and young adult.