I strongly believe that takeaway delivery vehicles should be allowed to use a siren!
Now there is an oxymoron for you. Is it Takeaway or Delivery pick one.
Canadian Takeouthttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/d1/7f/82d17f5dda7b50c70a975786bbbfdabf.jpg
@Bobarion Dude, IT’S A COMIC. Don’t be so damn serious.
mlkirk12530 over 9 years ago
Now there is an oxymoron for you. Is it Takeaway or Delivery pick one.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 9 years ago
Canadian Takeouthttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/d1/7f/82d17f5dda7b50c70a975786bbbfdabf.jpg
adristone94 over 9 years ago
@Bobarion Dude, IT’S A COMIC. Don’t be so damn serious.