Scenes from a Multiverse by Jon Rosenberg for September 11, 2015
Alien 1: Your Ladyfriend took off awful fast. Alien 2: What?! Who in the superhell are you? Alien 1: Having some difficulties with the ol' tambourine and otter? You must be new to the donkeydrome. You need to lower your local gravitational constant, tourist. Alien 2: And how do I do that? Drugs, I suppose? Alien 1: Pull down your pants. Alien 2: Because I won't do drugs. I promised my mom.
jon creator over 9 years ago
Today’s alt text: “HoverGrav makes the very finest in Personal Constant Maintenance Devices. This is not a HoverGrav unit.”
emptc12 over 9 years ago
Waaaaay beyond Viagra.
Jason Scarborough over 9 years ago
Come on Jon, it’s to early in the comics run to to start revisiting universes
Chrystos B Minot Premium Member over 9 years ago
Needs more sympathetic characters, Jon. How can I care for these guys when I don’t know them or their worlds? How about some attractive ones?….. Wish ‘Luann’ would have some of your sci fi craziness. Anyway, I’m with you, keep up the good work!
CeeJay over 9 years ago
I’m really getting into this strip. So odd. So funny. So perfectly bizzare.
Funny_Ha_Ha over 9 years ago
I can’t wait until we visit my universe.
gummynuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub almost 5 years ago
“because I won’t do drugs” is smoking …ok