Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for September 08, 2015

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    Claire Jordan  over 9 years ago

    This is a bit back to front. As individuals, chickens are in danger, since many are seriously ill-treated and nearly all will be eaten (although that would have happened to them in the wild too) – but as a species, we’ve taken a comparatively rare Asian pheasant called the jungle fowl and turned it into one of the most numerous birds on Earth.

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    garcoa  over 9 years ago

    When I first read the last panel, I thought it said “…you were eaten by an assass in chicken,…” Powerful language first thing in the morning.

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    guy42  over 9 years ago

    Darby needs to pay just a wee bit of attention to his kerning….

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    Al Nala  over 9 years ago

    I do not believe that a series of non-sequiturs comprises an argument. We are all endangered; who knows when the Sweet Meteor Of Doom will strike? Obviously, it’s when the SMOD Union boss decides it’s time.

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    abbybookcase  over 9 years ago

    what would a chicken of danger look like? i see a hen morphed into a james bond type figure.

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    Booby_Shoes  over 9 years ago

    Wow. So bad.

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    cubswin2016  over 9 years ago

    Never argue with a crazy person or in this case, kitty.

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