It’s o.k., Linus. There are heretics and blasphemers everywhere. Don’t let your faith die on the vine; rise above it. The Great Pumpkin is within you, as sure as there is an infinite calculation of Pi!
Why do I not remember this Great Pumpkin strip? With this tragic turn of events you would think it would be remembered! lol The B.C. Tribute was Great! Happy All Hallows Eve Everyone!
She smokes, she drinks 32 cups of coffee a day, she hates his blanket, and now this. This gramma has to be the most unpleasant adult in the Peanuts universe.
Linux0s over 9 years ago
Not to worry Linus:
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
There’s always next year, Linus. And the year after that, and so on.
knight1192a over 9 years ago
I just got done carving a great pumpkin into a dragon for Halloween a few hours ago. Think I’ll go back to regular jack-o-lanterns next year.
Kind&Kinder over 9 years ago
It’s o.k., Linus. There are heretics and blasphemers everywhere. Don’t let your faith die on the vine; rise above it. The Great Pumpkin is within you, as sure as there is an infinite calculation of Pi!
i_am_the_jam over 9 years ago
GROG Premium Member over 9 years ago
The gap is in her head.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 9 years ago
Defective over 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing the other comics! They were both great! I always felt bad for Linus.
hagarthehorrible over 9 years ago
the new generation has got more faith in halloween…
Doctor11 over 9 years ago
Happy Halloween!
rwgtcg over 9 years ago
Why do I not remember this Great Pumpkin strip? With this tragic turn of events you would think it would be remembered! lol The B.C. Tribute was Great! Happy All Hallows Eve Everyone!
KEA over 9 years ago
filthy infidel
Shannon Stewart over 9 years ago
She smokes, she drinks 32 cups of coffee a day, she hates his blanket, and now this. This gramma has to be the most unpleasant adult in the Peanuts universe.
Red Ruffensor over 9 years ago
Do you suppose fifty-something Linus still sits in a pumpkin patch on Halloween?
knight1192a over 9 years ago
The Great Turnip ruined my Halloween because it’s jealous pumpkins replaced turnips as the symbol of Halloween.
super29392 almost 9 years ago
Think it will work out next Halloween?
DanWolfie over 4 years ago
Hopefully at least Gramma let Lucy go trick-or-treating that night with her friends…