Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for September 17, 2015
Nancy: This homework is dangerous! Math! Science! History! English! It's TOO MUCH! If I actually learned ALL of HEAD WOULD EXPLODE! ATTENTION! I'm only going to learn HALF this stuff so you won't get HIT by flying BRAIN GUNK! You're welcome!
jrankin1959 over 9 years ago
“Theo, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life! It’s no wonder you get D’s in everything! You are afraid to try because you’re afraid that your brain is going to explode and it’s going to ooze out of your ears. Now I’m telling you, you are going to try as hard as you can. And you’re going to do it because I said so. I am your father! I brought you in this world and I’ll take you out!” From a TV show of a certain comedian who is now persona non grata to the general public.
youngcpams over 9 years ago
Red Fox originally coined that phrase ! In the forties !
harkherp over 9 years ago
If Nancy does blow her brains from homework, Fritzie can always call Winston Wolf in to help clean up !!
SharkNose over 9 years ago
Ah, a classic case of elementary school homework rage. I didn’t contract that malady until high school.
brklnbern over 9 years ago
That’s a novel excuse. Seems that whatever else she is learning to think.
kaffekup over 9 years ago
Too cute, Nancy!
rgcviper over 9 years ago
“Mmm—flying brain gunk …” [drool]— Homer Simpson
Well, he COULDA said it.
Argythree over 9 years ago
That was a very creative way of trying to get out of homework, Nancy!