The Awkward Yeti by Nick Seluk for September 01, 2015

  1. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 9 years ago

    A remote control for the remote control.

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  2. Missing large
    emptc12  over 9 years ago
    I have a library of what I think are interesting science books, but my teenage son prefers videos from YouTube. While the Internet has a lot of good information, I think it is often excessively processed, as applesauce is to a fresh apple, opinions added as chemicals to food. I prefer the apple itself, with the possibility to encounter worms and slight surface imperfections. And maybe to try additional recipes with apple as an ingredient. We have become a visual image culture, and I think it has truncated our imaginations, limited us to what is offered instead of investigating further.

    .Until all old books of value (and even of apparent limited value) are processed to be visually entertaining, there’s a danger that old books will be ignored or interpreted wrongly. While that would suit certain parties just fine, it is dangerous and sad for a literate culture with thousands of years of thought to consider..Actually, the human heart knows that would be wrong. Not to be seriously critical, but I think sometimes this cartoon has the real roles of mind and heart reversed from what they actually are. Otherwise, it’s very funny, and I occasionally attach it to emails.

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  3. 49552813 5e1f 4449 9083 b50eb2bcbb53
    Miri Tallstag  almost 4 years ago

    Yes it does

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