9 to 5 by Harley Schwadron for June 23, 2010

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    Kiba65  over 14 years ago

    Heads I win, Tails you lose!!!!

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    napaeric  over 14 years ago

    I enjoy putting money in bankers pockets. That is why I am so very happy. Big business rules. “Small people” can just suck hind bleeep and be happy they have jobs. WHAT, they aren’t working. What is wrong with those slackers. Glad to be a Republican. Always RIGHT.

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    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    I’m glad that high school dropouts demand the same standard of living as people who put a third of their lives in educating themselves with the resulting debt. I’m glad that unions demand that the Joe working 40 hours a week get the same as doctors, lawyers, and management that put in 100+ hours and never get to see their families. I’m glad that cowards who put their money in CDs expect the rate of return as investors who risk all on the market. I’m proud that my kid’s worst teacher receives the same pay as the best teacher because the NEA owns the Democratic party. All men are created equal, till April 15. How is 31% equal to 0% because some moron had kids before he was financially able?Why this could be A GREAT SOCIETY.!

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    MisngNOLA  over 14 years ago

    Lew, what’s wrong with you? Can’t you do the math? That 0% you put there is actually a -5% or -10% due to Earned Income Credits, and Give Me Money Because I Made Bad Choices Credits and such. Of course the evil Republicans are the only ones who say it isn’t fair for people to get back other people’s money when tax rates go down. Everyone I know who had a job got rebate checks from the Government when Bush’s tax cuts went into effect, but of course those were only tax cuts for the rich according to the Dems and the manistream media.

    Insitute term limits now. Vote out all incumbents. If the experience they bring is so great, why are we in the mess we’re in?

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    Plods with ...™  over 14 years ago

    Wow Lew. And you aren’t even close to BT yet.

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    eepatte  over 14 years ago


    Do you really think that people who spend a third of their lives educating themselves with resulting debt deserve to be unemployed when they work very hard and try to do the right thing? Do you really think that unions have a more detrimental effect on your life than international corporations? Teabaggers are right, they are being shafted, but not by the government. Large corporations are doing the shafting and our elected officials help them out.

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    stuart  over 14 years ago

    eepatte, the federal government is the worlds largest corporate bureaucracy. It shafts you the same as huge corporations - but more so.

    The thing is, socialism is legal when implemented by states or large corps (when compatible with the state constitution and corporate by laws). It is illegal and unconstitutional when implemented by the federal government, where it is expressly prohibited.

    When socialism is forced illegally on the entire nation, and the world, the historical term is National Socialism.

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    jimgamer  over 14 years ago

    I was a union worker and all we would demand was a LIVEING WAGE !!!!!!!!!! jim12345 8^)

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    longtimecomicsfan  over 14 years ago

    Gee, where to start?

    Standard of living usually refers to the overall standard of living for a nation, not for individual lifestyles. So yes, a high-school dropout could reasonably expect to have the same unemployment rates, GDP growth, and inflation as a college grad, just not the same income.

    Back in 2005, the average CEO made 465 times what the average worker did. Is that what unions are asking for?

    In 2007, cowards who put money in CDs made a lot more money than shareholders who lost around 50% of their investments.

    My teacher friend makes a lot more than the average teacher, but that’s because she went back to school for her Masters and is now a Vice Principal. (See above).

    Actually, April 15th is the great equalizer, because if you’ve been paying at 30% all year, April 15th is when you file your tax return to get a chunk of that back and lower the actual rate to 10 or 12%. (Unless you mean the wealthy who use tax shelters to get to a 0% tax rate, or saying that people who earn nothing should also pay 30%).

    PS - as for morons who make bad decisions, are you including the disabled, the sick, the mentally ill, cancer patients and car wreck victims?

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    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    COMICFAN’Morons who make bad decisions before they are financially able.” If the disabled, sick,the mentally ill, cancer patients, and car wreck victims can afford to raise children, more power to them . If not, why should they have them? Or did you include stupid in your list.

    Don’t breed em if you can’t feed em

    US Census predicts 100,000,000 new Americans by 2040. Some will starve. Any offspring of yours?

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    jimgamer  over 14 years ago

    NO the bakery and confectionery union is NOT asking for ceo’s wages just liveing wages

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    MisngNOLA  over 14 years ago

    longtimecomics fan, apparently you have not seen the figures which show continuously that the top 5% of wage earners pay 60% of income taxes, and the top 50% pay over 97% of the income taxes paid. Also, if you’re paying 30% in withholdings every year, you obviously don’t understand the concept of the W-4 form, unless the 30% you’re talking about includes Social Security and Medicare taxes (let’s not quibble about semantics, those two deductions are taxes just as truly as if they were called such).



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