Sarah's Scribbles by Sarah Andersen for September 09, 2015
Male Puberty Puberty Hey, bad news. Your voice is gonna crack and you'll get acne. Agh! Puberty Buuut... check out your new facial hair! Woah! Female Puberty Puberty Oh, hi puberty. How are you? I've been waiting for You - Wack Period Puberty Enjoy your newly found sexual objectification and the zits oh my God
katina.cooper over 9 years ago
And that problem doesn’t go away for years and years.
emptc12 over 9 years ago
Shirley you jest. I mean, Sara. From a teenage boy’s point of view, teenage girls can be fearsome beasts..“Is it true that you can poke the fire with a stick of dynamite in perfect safety? …I used to take my nieces to scientific lectures, and I believe I heard it then. Anyhow, even if it isn’t true of dynamite, it’s true of women. But they know they are dynamite, and long for the concussion that may justify them….” – Sylvia Townsend Warner
blackman2732 over 9 years ago
6turtle9 over 9 years ago
You forgot to include the raging testosterone that wacks you out and the near 24/7 , uh, inflatable balloon, shall we say, that is activated at the merest of breeze or suggestion. A state of mind that short circuits any rational thought.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago
And don’t forget the hair-trigger bomb thats just been set!
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member over 9 years ago
Soooooo accurate!
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 9 years ago
“Mother Nature is the worst mother ever. That’s why all of us live indoors.”-Robin: Teen Titans Go!
The_Purple_Pig almost 9 years ago
Ugh. I hate that.
cringyoldaccount over 7 years ago
When we developed as fetuses, we all started off with a female body, and then either stayed that way or turned into men. Based off of that, Im stating to think that males are improved bodies and females were bodies that our cells didnt bother fixing.
pumaman almost 7 years ago
Girl – I was told there would be boobs.
eipxrhS over 4 years ago
Us men also get squished by girls, for we hit puberty later than girls. But you already know this, don’t you?
a nerdy trans girl over 4 years ago
there is new science that males get periods to, just without bleeding.
John-117 about 4 years ago
Well, with male puberty you just get random boners, that can ruin your life. Haha I am really glad I’m not a girl.
Mega Nerd over 3 years ago
Me, an Asian:where are my benefits
Arlyn almost 3 years ago
You forgot breasts