I identify as a black person.
Since when?
Either way, Its fine....
Our job is to raise CJ to be educated, Fair , well rounded and spiritual...
So that he can make his own choices in Life!
I think CJ is wearing my pants!
This “identify as” thing is a joke. If your DNA says you are biracial, that is what you are, not what you decide to identify as, regardless of what background you are brought up in. A cat can’t identify as a dog, if it was brought up in a household full of only dogs. It is still a cat.
Tisk Tisk, such a waste of energy. Identify with this; being a good neighbor, helper of your fellow man, finder of the cure for the three “C’s”: common cold, cancer and crabgrass!
@Liam Astle—-Not true at all, in this day & age, of so many ethnic backgrounds. Those choosing to “identify as”, are usually doing so for some type type of advantage, being it monetary, political, or otherwise. Obama, who is unquestionably biracial, & neither Black nor White, is a prime example.
charliefarmrhere over 9 years ago
This “identify as” thing is a joke. If your DNA says you are biracial, that is what you are, not what you decide to identify as, regardless of what background you are brought up in. A cat can’t identify as a dog, if it was brought up in a household full of only dogs. It is still a cat.
mggreen over 9 years ago
Tisk Tisk, such a waste of energy. Identify with this; being a good neighbor, helper of your fellow man, finder of the cure for the three “C’s”: common cold, cancer and crabgrass!
Jessica_D over 9 years ago
How is CJ wearing his dad’s pants? One leg at a time?
Comic Minister Premium Member over 9 years ago
I see.
charliefarmrhere over 9 years ago
@Liam Astle—-Not true at all, in this day & age, of so many ethnic backgrounds. Those choosing to “identify as”, are usually doing so for some type type of advantage, being it monetary, political, or otherwise. Obama, who is unquestionably biracial, & neither Black nor White, is a prime example.