Way back when in the 80’s, I took one of these when pretty much all professions, legal or illegal were on the test.
1st time I took it I got ‘mountain man’ but there was some questions that could go either way, so I did it a second time and got “anarchist” didn’t know that was a profession.
My best friend got ‘highway man’ and my girl friend got ‘lady of the night’ considering she never even did the deed until she got married, odd thing these tests are.
Did a modern day one and it said computer programmer, go figure I despise programming and I suck at it. Can’t say these tests are worth anything other than a good laugh.
Leroy over 9 years ago
He’s already in a work-study henching program.
harrybrau2014 over 9 years ago
Should that not read “henchperson?”
Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago
They gotta come from somewhere!! They might as well be educated properly.
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 9 years ago
They start working with bullies first, then work their way up.
angelfiredragon over 9 years ago
Way back when in the 80’s, I took one of these when pretty much all professions, legal or illegal were on the test.
1st time I took it I got ‘mountain man’ but there was some questions that could go either way, so I did it a second time and got “anarchist” didn’t know that was a profession.
My best friend got ‘highway man’ and my girl friend got ‘lady of the night’ considering she never even did the deed until she got married, odd thing these tests are.
Did a modern day one and it said computer programmer, go figure I despise programming and I suck at it. Can’t say these tests are worth anything other than a good laugh.
prince valiant Premium Member over 9 years ago
One teenager is polite, two or more are a terrorist cell.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
WOW! And we thought we had raised him to be a yes-man!
katzenbooks45 over 9 years ago
There are mailmen, firemen, and policemen. What’s a hench?