The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for October 05, 2015

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Disney on $15,000 and that’s just the entrance fee.

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  2. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member over 9 years ago

    AND: The distance between Bumbleville and Crustwood is always a straight line!

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    mikie2  over 9 years ago

    Surely there are even more HoHo’s in Bumbleville’s Dollar Store. Remember “I’d walk a mile for a Camel?” They’d drive fifty for a snack from the Dollar Store.

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  4. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago

    26 miles. At Burl’s normal old guy speed, that gives Patty at least forty minutes to sit back, close her eyes, and escape to her fantasy world where she accidentally learns she was adopted. She imagines that one day she was looking for a piece of paper in her parents’ drawer full of filched office supplies when she finds the papers and learns her real parents were gypsies who were fleeing from horse theft charges. It gives her a warm feeling to briefly believe that she comes from something better than Joy and Burl and wasn’t conceived on their honeymoon is the Motel 3-1/2 in Glumpburg, Kentucky. She dreams of an early childhood on the lam with her Gypsy clan, and she can almost imagine that the funk from the front seat is really what’s being dropped by the horses pulling the wagon. .But it’s all in vain. She will awaken to the sound of Burl repeatedly clicking the gas pump nozzle again and again, trying to milk that last drop of bargain fuel into his tank. The awakening to her nasty situation will, for all her outward calm, induce in her a fine rage. But she knows there’s nothing to be done about it, and she soothes herself by working the brochure for Mammoth Cave into what she imagines Jerry will experience with Verla this evening.

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    gnash  over 9 years ago

    On the other hand—They just wanted to go for a ride because they were bored but they needed a purpose so 1 cent less for gas filled the bill. They’re a little young for it but when you’re in your 80s any excuse to get out of the house is a good excuse. :-)

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    Ninette  over 9 years ago

    That Patty is awful forward.

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