Flavor packs are fabricated from the chemicals that make up orange essence and oil. Flavor and fragrance houses, the same ones that make high end perfumes, break down orange essence and oils into their constituent chemicals and then reassemble the individual chemicals in configurations that resemble nothing found in nature. Ethyl butyrate is one of the chemicals found in high concentrations in the flavor packs added to orange juice sold in North American markets, because flavor engineers have discovered that it imparts a fragrance that Americans like, and associate with a freshly squeezed orange.http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/ask-an-academic-orange-juice
Leroy over 9 years ago
Ugh. Removing this one from my watch list.
Ida No over 9 years ago
Telling us what we’ve all known all along.Juicy juice!
magicandjewel over 9 years ago
Flavor packs are fabricated from the chemicals that make up orange essence and oil. Flavor and fragrance houses, the same ones that make high end perfumes, break down orange essence and oils into their constituent chemicals and then reassemble the individual chemicals in configurations that resemble nothing found in nature. Ethyl butyrate is one of the chemicals found in high concentrations in the flavor packs added to orange juice sold in North American markets, because flavor engineers have discovered that it imparts a fragrance that Americans like, and associate with a freshly squeezed orange.http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/ask-an-academic-orange-juice
ziggman14304 over 9 years ago
Had a friend fall in a beer vat and drown. He got out three times to go to the bathroom before he died. :)