Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for October 12, 2015

  1. J0407525
    She Mc  over 9 years ago

    Gosh, if someone did that for me I would be very quick to give praise!!!

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  2. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 9 years ago

    Now, put on the leather outfit and make him eat out of the dog bowl.

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  3. Missing large
    TN Grams  over 9 years ago

    A “thank you” would go along way!

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  4. Vicki rose is rose
    verticallychallenged Premium Member over 9 years ago

    @SheMc and @TN Grams, my question might be, how often does he thank her for cleaning the bathroom & putting away the dishes? Thank you works both ways!

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  5. Kride pic 008
    grossvatter  over 9 years ago

    Thanks a lot,That dog gets more praise than I do,thats for sure!

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    bob.2119  over 9 years ago

    Hope he put away the dishes first.

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  7. Skylark
    Skylark  over 9 years ago

    OMG! I really hate to sound like a feminist…however. I know NO male who does something around the house that doesn’t act like he just built the house, furnished it and cleaned it up totally for a year. I know NO female who does not thank the male for doing it nor requests a thank you for what SHE does around the same house!Get over it boys. It’s just part of what happens right under your eyes daily!IE: Been there; done that!!

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  8. D4a5a14f f69d 431f a7b7 321b5406dd5d
    Jkiss  over 9 years ago

    Ask and you shall receive.

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  9. Skylark
    Skylark  over 9 years ago

    That’s funny, but ’respect’’ is still the name of the game….any game!

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