Monty by Jim Meddick for October 17, 2015
And just when 1% man can't take it any longer... The folk songs... The hobo cuisine... A police siren is heard!!! Bbwoop! Ok, gentleman... Party's over... You're under arrest. On what charges?! Ordinance 39-28B. 1% man's team of lawyers comes through at the very last minute! Sir, we found an obscure 1953 statute prohibiting dancing and merriment within 750 ft. of railway infrastructure...
clayusmcret Premium Member over 9 years ago
Can we move on now?
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Darn those obscure statutes! And blast the lawyers! 1% Man is carried to an unearned victory.
aimlesscruzr over 9 years ago
Why is Sedgie’s right hand red in the second panel?
Which begs the bigger question, shouldn’t his uniform be red all over?
ladamson1918 over 9 years ago
What about the gandy dancers? I don’t think this law has been at all thought out well.
braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago
Doesn’t matter if the lawyers could find a law. If none could be found, the owned legislators will pass one.
And it will be fair and balanced.
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
A blissful Saturday my friends-———-The end of a 1% Man production.-———-Have a bountiful day everyone.
SFpagan over 9 years ago
sounds like ancient anti-hobo legislation brought into play