That is why you carefully inspect and remove all the pins in the shirt before you wear it. To complain about wearing such a shirt prior to removing all the pins and washing the sizing, dust, and wrinkles out of the shirt is akin to cussing the dark when one refuses to turn on a light. It isn’t the shirt that is “stoopid” but the wearer.
katina.cooper over 9 years ago
Because it’s ironed and not all wrinkled? Don’t forget to drop some of those chicken nuggets on the floor for Ginger.
banjinshiju over 9 years ago
That is why you carefully inspect and remove all the pins in the shirt before you wear it. To complain about wearing such a shirt prior to removing all the pins and washing the sizing, dust, and wrinkles out of the shirt is akin to cussing the dark when one refuses to turn on a light. It isn’t the shirt that is “stoopid” but the wearer.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
Another possible explaination why men don’t go shopping for new clothes often!
hendelca Premium Member over 9 years ago
Noticed something years ago – expensive, well made shirts have very few pins, cheaper shirts have tons of pins. Never could figure a reason for that.