La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 26, 2015
Anchor Baby News Freshest news top to bottom Gibby Isabel Gibby: Republican congressman Kevin Mccarthy quit the race for house speaker, when it happened, lawmakers reported there was "audible crying." Isabel: When babies are reporting on your crying, it's time to reconsider your life.
Dirty Dragon over 9 years ago
Have we considered that it was just Boehner crying extra loudly, because he feared the crazies were NEVER going to let him out?
kaffekup over 9 years ago
Not that big; their diapers are just full.
tallguy98366 over 9 years ago
Crying in adult males is a sign of alcoholism, mental instability or brain damage. With Boehner it was the first. What is the excuse for the others? it’s scary, really.