It’s just a modern replacement for, and no more trite than, “beg pardon” or “excuse me”. It’ll be replaced by something else when its current users tire of it.
It seems to me that the last few months or years he has been covered with long pants, long sleeved shirts and an oversized cowboy hat. What I’m curious about is the “my bad” comment. Though they have surrogate grandchildren, I have never seen them say “my bad.”
People say “amen” to close a prayer because the descendants of Abraham got tired of being beaten for not paying tribute to Ammon-Ra (however you want to spell the hyroglyphs). Words come to mean other things, word? & when you’re half asleep, you’re likely to use some trite phrase that’s been overused lately.
I miss “sorry,” but like Grampa used to say; “You’ve got to mean ‘sorry,’ not just say it.”
Dkram over 14 years ago
Rooooooooll ouuuut thoooooughs lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.
rotts over 14 years ago
It’s just a modern replacement for, and no more trite than, “beg pardon” or “excuse me”. It’ll be replaced by something else when its current users tire of it.
TheDOCTOR over 14 years ago
How can Dusty, the Cowboy, be sooooo Pale White?
Joan32 over 14 years ago
It seems to me that the last few months or years he has been covered with long pants, long sleeved shirts and an oversized cowboy hat. What I’m curious about is the “my bad” comment. Though they have surrogate grandchildren, I have never seen them say “my bad.”
mjd.kwanyin over 14 years ago
they might be older but they do not live in a vacuum….they watch tv and are on the internet…thus the getting old phrase, ‘my bad’….;-)
ottod Premium Member over 14 years ago
Trebor39 over 14 years ago
If white skinned Dusty keeps sleeping in that sun he will soon resemble a lobster.
CRL29P over 14 years ago
People say “amen” to close a prayer because the descendants of Abraham got tired of being beaten for not paying tribute to Ammon-Ra (however you want to spell the hyroglyphs). Words come to mean other things, word? & when you’re half asleep, you’re likely to use some trite phrase that’s been overused lately.
I miss “sorry,” but like Grampa used to say; “You’ve got to mean ‘sorry,’ not just say it.”
Joan32 over 14 years ago