I had to remove your gyroscopic stabilizer housing... Something chocolatey melted in it... Hmm... Yep... I was right. Taste like a Mounds bar... Shake shake correction: almond Joy.
This cleaning out the clogs is turning into a major overhaul of E.B. and all his chocolatey parts! If Monty can put him together properly, E.B. in the end should be better than ever!
Carl R about 9 years ago
and sometimes you don’t.
azurebeard about 9 years ago
EB can stand pretty well without his gyroscopic stabilizer!
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 9 years ago
Can’t Monty tell the difference between milk chocolate and dark?
gmu328 about 9 years ago
all that can be said has been said ….
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
This cleaning out the clogs is turning into a major overhaul of E.B. and all his chocolatey parts! If Monty can put him together properly, E.B. in the end should be better than ever!
Plods with ...™ about 9 years ago
Little oily is it?
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 9 years ago
very stale Junior Mint….
Sheila Hardie about 9 years ago
wondra about 9 years ago
You must be with that flag.
Frankie5466 about 4 years ago
Ew didn’t EB already eat all that candy?!