Nor am I, but Jay is- and it makes sense to include some gags like this, in terms of keeping their office believable (amid some of the more fantastical elements!) John’s a fan, though.
One, I’m glad that the Mets are winning. Two, I’m surprised that Dana hasn’t just magically put her hair back to normal. We know that when her sister Andromeda uses magic there is another Adam Sandler movie,and when Taylor Swift does there’s another Will Ferral movie, so what happens when Dana uses her magic?
So Mary Sue transformed into a goat just to have the Cubs be perennial losers? There is no low Johnny Z will stoop to just to have his favorite be the best. Even the WWE stopped putting the underdog label on John Cena eventually.
richardjohnsonvp over 9 years ago
Just how old is she, anyway? The Cubs haven’t won a World Series since 1908, or even been in one since 1945!
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 9 years ago
Nor am I, but Jay is- and it makes sense to include some gags like this, in terms of keeping their office believable (amid some of the more fantastical elements!) John’s a fan, though.
stlmaddog5 over 9 years ago
It’s a good thing the Mets are winning the series. If the Cubs actually won the World Series, the world would surely come to an end, violently.
vwdualnomand over 9 years ago
cubs suck.
tstuarta1 over 9 years ago
One, I’m glad that the Mets are winning. Two, I’m surprised that Dana hasn’t just magically put her hair back to normal. We know that when her sister Andromeda uses magic there is another Adam Sandler movie,and when Taylor Swift does there’s another Will Ferral movie, so what happens when Dana uses her magic?
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
A win in a win!
asklud over 9 years ago
It may be just me, but I’m starting to like Dana’s new hairdo…
SackofRabidWeasels over 9 years ago
So Mary Sue transformed into a goat just to have the Cubs be perennial losers? There is no low Johnny Z will stoop to just to have his favorite be the best. Even the WWE stopped putting the underdog label on John Cena eventually.
johnzakour Premium Member over 9 years ago
Plus Dana changing her hair isn’t worth Adam Sandler getting a new movie
johnzakour Premium Member over 9 years ago
BTW, we actually referenced the incident we are talking about a while back in WD and it had nothing to do with the goat. That’s just a cover story.