A couple notes: 1. fibromyalgia, neuropathy, PTSD (for some, others not so much, individual thing), glaucoma, and many conditions, MJ is very helpful, and NOT toxic, as you can’t OD. 2. Vaporizing is better than smoking for eliminating byproducts you don’t want. 3. EDIBLES, like oils, or tinctures are another way to take marijuana. My objection to these, espeically for “recreational” users is they shouldn’t make it look so much like candy or “sweets” that kids can get into if the adults aren’t adult enough to keep it away from them.
Another thing on ALL drugs/pharmaceuticals, some conditions, day to day variance in effectiveness of drugs and the need to switch off on occasion for better effectiveness. This is especially true for fibromyalgia that varies a lot based on climatic changes, like storms vs clear weather etc where the barometer reading does indeed change the symptomology, and therefore, what might work better that day.
overall, having had several chronic conditions for some 50 years, medical marijuana has proven a huge advantage over the various painkillers and muscle relaxants big pharma produces, that CAN kill you, even without an OD if you’re subject to ill effects, or addiction MJ can indeed be psychologically addictive, but not physiologically addictive, as even good old alcohol finds far more individuals who ARE physically addicted to it!
Last note, on meds, and mj, folks who really do have conditions and pain, do NOT get the “high” from those drugs that folks just using them to get stoned experience, and I for one, don’t like being drunk or high anyway, so as in most thinkgs good for you, like that glass of wine with dinner, moderation is the indicator of folks using for “legitimate” purposes.
Dtroutma about 9 years ago
It works for all three without risk of killing you on an OD.
e.groves about 9 years ago
If it was legal here in Oklahoma, I might partake. I used to smoke it when I lived in California in the 60’s. Very relaxing.
Ubintold about 9 years ago
Oh, boy. I can’t wait for athletes’ foot marijuana.
Khatkhattu Premium Member about 9 years ago
How soon until the lawyer ads pop up on TV? “If you used glaucomatose and developed the munchies, you might be entitled to a large cash settlement”.
neverenoughgold about 9 years ago
Just another nuisance weed…
Mike Parsons Premium Member about 9 years ago
Heh heh – very clever!
chromosome Premium Member about 9 years ago
If we could tax it in Michigan, we could fill all the pot holes.
Dtroutma about 9 years ago
A couple notes: 1. fibromyalgia, neuropathy, PTSD (for some, others not so much, individual thing), glaucoma, and many conditions, MJ is very helpful, and NOT toxic, as you can’t OD. 2. Vaporizing is better than smoking for eliminating byproducts you don’t want. 3. EDIBLES, like oils, or tinctures are another way to take marijuana. My objection to these, espeically for “recreational” users is they shouldn’t make it look so much like candy or “sweets” that kids can get into if the adults aren’t adult enough to keep it away from them.
Another thing on ALL drugs/pharmaceuticals, some conditions, day to day variance in effectiveness of drugs and the need to switch off on occasion for better effectiveness. This is especially true for fibromyalgia that varies a lot based on climatic changes, like storms vs clear weather etc where the barometer reading does indeed change the symptomology, and therefore, what might work better that day.
overall, having had several chronic conditions for some 50 years, medical marijuana has proven a huge advantage over the various painkillers and muscle relaxants big pharma produces, that CAN kill you, even without an OD if you’re subject to ill effects, or addiction MJ can indeed be psychologically addictive, but not physiologically addictive, as even good old alcohol finds far more individuals who ARE physically addicted to it!
Last note, on meds, and mj, folks who really do have conditions and pain, do NOT get the “high” from those drugs that folks just using them to get stoned experience, and I for one, don’t like being drunk or high anyway, so as in most thinkgs good for you, like that glass of wine with dinner, moderation is the indicator of folks using for “legitimate” purposes.
Dave Ferro about 9 years ago
Medicinal marijuana… The only drug that has caused glaucoma in thousands….