Peanuts by Charles Schulz for November 29, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Pointspread  over 9 years ago

    You’re right Snoopy, they wouldn’t appreciate it so you might as well get some sleep…

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  2. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 9 years ago

    Ugh, was this actually Schulz’s coloring job or did someone else play with some of the frames and add in color where it doesn’t belong? And I mean coloring the backdrop. Everything after the snow starting to fall should have a black backdrop.

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  3. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  over 9 years ago

    The sky has fallen with the sun?

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  4. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 9 years ago

    Don’t worry, Snoopy, when the sun falls it will bounce right off your tummy! (Btw, I’d personally much rather have the dailies in the original black and white, and the Sundays in Schulz’s original coloring. Today’s re-coloring just seems to dumb it down and lessen the impact!)

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Doesn’t Snoopy have a bed somewhere inside his expansive doghouse? If not, he could at least sleep on his pool table sheltered from the weather…

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    guswild  over 9 years ago

    I had a Border Collie who loved it outside,especially in the winter, she would lie on the driveway pavement when it was snowing and eventually all you could see was a bump and 2 little black eyes peeking out.

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  7. Freedom
    bookworm0812  over 9 years ago

    I’ve noticed this in some of the animations, too. Not so much it looking like day when it’s night but they’ll be focused on one character, switch to another, go back to the other and every time they go back, the background changes.

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    dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago

    And agreed about the backdrops….black sky with snow falling is what this is all about. Leave it be, colorists!!!

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  9. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 9 years ago

    Yep. That’s my answer to everything too!


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  10. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 9 years ago


    Work Placements are unpaid.

    I’m sick of working for free.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    In case anyone misplaced their crayons…

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