Ben by Daniel Shelton for October 26, 2015

  1. Daffy
    llong65  over 9 years ago

    as a child you hate them, but as an older adult you love them.

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  2. Cat 03
    stlmaddog5  over 9 years ago

    I don’t remember that far back, but so for now, I don’t necessarily love naps, but I sure do NEED them!

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  3. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  over 9 years ago

    I used to tell my son that I didn’t care if he slept, as long as he stayed there during that time. He’d fall asleep on his toys. Mom needed that time to wind down from him, and get a few things done that I just couldn’t do with him underfoot.

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  4. Bc92a6de09218bcca4bb23106a180b75
    KEA  over 9 years ago

    having children was your first mistake

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  5. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 9 years ago

    I have always been a “Sleeper”. Only once did I not want to take a nap; we were at my grandparents, and had company I seldom saw, so I wanted to stay up and visit. My grandmother took me downstairs and showed me that everybody else was asleep, draped all over the furniture, etc. (Faking ,the whole lot of them.) So I went to bed.

    And slept eighteen hours. It’s a good thing I wasn’t tired.

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  6. Missing large
    kattbailey  over 9 years ago

    Mom told my pediatrician I didn’t nap unless ill. He didn’t believe her, thought I wasn’t napping enough. Actually she put me in my crib (yes, I was under 2) with quiet toys and I would play while she watched a soap opera. The moment the ending music started I called for her, and no sleeping-child imprints in the bedding. As an adult I have insomnia

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