I used to be a tour guide on the double decker buses in NYC. We used to go by a Red Lobster Restaurant. They had a lobster going around the side of the building. I pointed out the lobster to the people. I told them that this was my friend, Clawed. These are New York Jokes, Folks.
Olddog1 about 9 years ago
If it wasn’t cooked, it wouldn’t be red.
hankvan about 9 years ago
Lobster and french fries?
J Short about 9 years ago
What some guys will do to supersize their fries.
Jim Kerner about 9 years ago
I used to be a tour guide on the double decker buses in NYC. We used to go by a Red Lobster Restaurant. They had a lobster going around the side of the building. I pointed out the lobster to the people. I told them that this was my friend, Clawed. These are New York Jokes, Folks.
usmc4312 about 9 years ago
I can spare a few fries, but I really hate it when it goes after my pie.