Pluggers by Rick McKee for November 16, 2015

  1. Don martin 1
    Farside99  about 9 years ago

    When you start parting your armpits, it’s time to give up.

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    Olddog1  about 9 years ago

    And looks more and more like a fool.

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    Plods with ...â„¢  about 9 years ago

    …and then we just say to heck with it and shave it off.

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    choo choo willy  about 9 years ago

    You can’t grow grass on a busy street, just saying.

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    LuvThemPluggers  about 9 years ago

    I remember the time I asked himself if I could borrow his comb and he started laughing. I had forgotten he stopped needing one years earlier.

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    hippogriff  about 9 years ago

    david_42Yul Brynner did it earlier.

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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago

    <<<As you can see by my picture on the left, late 60s and I still have a full head of hair…

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    LuvThemPluggers  about 9 years ago

    The men in my DH’s family could sit nude on a hot rock in the sun and never burn their butts. They are hairy everywhere except on the scalp. What law of genetics let that trait be passed down through generations?

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    Jim Kerner  about 9 years ago

    Oh, well. Hair today. Gone tomorrow. As someone who is down to 39 hairs, the problem is we keep banging our heads into the head boards while having sex.

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    hippogriff  about 9 years ago

    mbradleycSo do I, but for longer. A comb-over fools no one and shouts VANITY besidees.

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