Speed Bump by Dave Coverly for November 08, 2015

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    SMMAssociates  over 9 years ago
    Going down to Columbus (OH) on a cold dark night in February. Set the GPS to the street address of the hotel. As we more or less got into the downtown area, the GPS insisted we head back North so someplace near Powell.

    Seems that there are two incidents of that street address in the Columbus area….

    After wandering around a bit, I tried the “name that building” method, and selected the downtown Hilton. Worked…. (Heck of a wedding, too!)

    Couple years before that, our daughter rented a house in the German Village area of Columbus, and I was using the GPS to find it. Got off one of the freeways (as directed) to follow surface streets, and the GPS froze….

    Fortunately, I had some idea of where I wanted to go, and made a couple of proper turns until the thing re-started….

    MANY years back, when a GPS in a car meant a GPS “receiver” and a laptop, a buddy was coming in to see me. I sent him detailed directions, and he told me that he’d not need them. “I have a GPS in the car.” ’Bout ten miles out, he called me: “The GPS just barfed. Can you talk me in?”….

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  2. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 9 years ago

    Said this yesterday. If you go to Costa Rica, forget the GPS. Get a good map.

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  3. Fredcrit enlarged
    Fredcritter  over 9 years ago

    Yeah. Siri-ously…

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  4. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  over 9 years ago

    Your cell phone GPS is just a dangerous as texting…

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    abbybookcase  over 9 years ago

    mine has nervous breakdowns. usuallyy at the worst times possible

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    lsheldon  over 9 years ago

    We have fun game we play here—Which Deliveryman/Tradesman listens.

    (About 10 years ago Omaha conquered Elkhorn and the occupying forces required that all the street names and house numbers be changed to conform to the Omaha random pattern. Prior to that time the northernmost extent of 211th was several miles south of here.)

    We tell the driver to take West Dodge Road west (they all come out of Omaha) to Nebraska 31 North. Go North on 31 to West Maple Road, turn left. Follow West Maple Road west to the second right that is not somebodys’ driveway, turn right on 211th—we are halfway up the hill on the left.

    Somewhere in that recitation we get “yeah yeah I got it”.

    About the time we expect them here we get a call—“Where are you again?”

    Their Garmin GPS took them over the hills and through the woods to what used to be the nortnern-most extent of 211th.

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  7. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 9 years ago

    Recalculating …

    I can just see this happening in some vehicles, too. Good one.

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  8. Photo
    Sodaburger  over 9 years ago

    The real question is, which one is using Apple maps? (then turn that one off)

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    abbybookcase  over 9 years ago

    we once used map quest on a dark and stormy night.i didn’t think we’d ever get there. we would have given up, but we had the refreshments for the event. lousy turnout anyway cause everybody had the same rotten directions

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    FrostbiteFalls  almost 3 years ago

    Two GPS jokes in a row?

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