Trout has nailed it, methinks. Now leave, before I punch you in the knee.
Dangerous, Threatening, Intimidating: that ‘Mom Look’ when you didn’t hop right on that chore list!
Trout, way to go. Well done.
Also, Tony Cochran, thanks for being brilliant.
Wide eyes shifting wildlyBig smileManiacal laughter
rshive over 9 years ago
Trout has nailed it, methinks. Now leave, before I punch you in the knee.
Aaberon over 9 years ago
Dangerous, Threatening, Intimidating: that ‘Mom Look’ when you didn’t hop right on that chore list!
BobCu over 9 years ago
Trout, way to go. Well done.
Also, Tony Cochran, thanks for being brilliant.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 9 years ago
Wide eyes shifting wildlyBig smileManiacal laughter