I tell my wife that my weight gain is a sign of contentment and happiness in our marriage, but I don’t think she’s really buying that.
“Are you struggling with your weight?”“Naw, it already pinned me!”
Isn’t it amazing how in the comics a bird can be such a fox?
Devotion incarnate!
Rick McKee
Linguist about 9 years ago
I tell my wife that my weight gain is a sign of contentment and happiness in our marriage, but I don’t think she’s really buying that.
Godfreydaniel about 9 years ago
“Are you struggling with your weight?”“Naw, it already pinned me!”
neverenoughgold about 9 years ago
Isn’t it amazing how in the comics a bird can be such a fox?
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly about 9 years ago
Devotion incarnate!