Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for December 01, 2015

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    cpalmeresq  over 9 years ago

    This comic strip is consistently one of the nicest ones that there is. Thank You again, Jim!

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    kab2rb  over 9 years ago

    GA always has great strips including when a couple Jim brings in to shake it up complaints.

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    BlitzMcD  over 9 years ago

    Not that there aren’t bigger issues about which to be concerned these days. But I have to admit it drives me nuts when I hear kids call their parents’ parents by such silly names as Pop-Pop, Meemaw, or whatever. Sorry, but that’s just flat out disrespectful. It’s Grandmother and Grandfather, or at least Grandpa and Grandma. Anyway, great story line nonetheless……

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