Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for November 21, 2015
Phoebe: Good news, mom and dad! You never have to sign any permission slips ever again! My unicorn forged dad's signature yesterday! She's really good at it. Mom: Who do we send to her room? Here, or the unicorn? Phoebe: I was going there anyway, but Marigold can come.
Templo S.U.D. about 9 years ago
Lesson learned: don’t forget your parents’ signature on a permission slip and let your unicorn do it ever again.
ThomasKDye about 9 years ago
“Let’s see, it’s under D… disarm, disbelieve, discredit… DISCREET! There’s the word I was looking for. Huh, so that’s what it means. Weird.”
Kristiaan about 9 years ago
Once my parents figured out I preferred staying in my room I wasn’t allowed to go to my room while I was grounded.
WaitingMan about 9 years ago
The secret word for today is “green”. Well, maybe not so secret,
corpcasselbury about 9 years ago
They could always have Marigold arrested; forgery is, after all, a felony.
luducks about 9 years ago
She should be punished by being forced to play bad videogames!
HAL69 about 9 years ago
Naw, A revocation of smartphone privileges…maybe a day or two.
Now how to ground a vain unicorn? Hmmmm…
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 8 months ago
At least she’s being honest. :)