Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for November 27, 2015

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    bbwoof  about 9 years ago

    used my calculator. only had 8numbers but answer was 12345678. Amazing…I never knew that

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    Rob Rex  about 9 years ago

    Whenever you square a number that only has ones(up to 111,111,111), you only have to count to the number of 1’s and back to get your answer. 1×1=1 11×11=121 111×111=12,321 1111×1111=1,234,321 etc.

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  3. Smallwolfface
    Dean  about 9 years ago

    Would that be the tuba used by the ‘South Park’ kids to play the “Brown Note”?

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  about 9 years ago

    Don’t know if it’s pitched any lower than a fog horn.

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    monroe0  about 9 years ago

    The lower Columbia River, between Washington and Oregon, flows both ways based on the Pacific ocean tides. Same for the “D” river in Lincoln City, OR.

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  6. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  about 9 years ago

    For one slightly Fun result, try things like multpilying:11,111 × 111,111 = 1234554321


    1,111 × 111,111 = 123444321 .The digits in the Middle of the answer tell you the Smaller number of Ones used and the Repetition shows how many Additional ones were in the Larger.For instance, in the 1st example, the 1st “5” shows that there were 5 Ones in the 1st number and the Additional 5 shows that there was One Additional “1” in the 2nd number, while in the 2nd example, the 1st 4 shows that there were 4 Ones in the 1st number and the two Additional 4s show that there were Two Additional “1s” in the 2nd number.. This could get Really Ridiculous very Quickly..For instance, you could start Dividing Unequal Length Strings of 1s ….

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