Herb and Jamaal by Stephen Bentley for November 19, 2015

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    jgarrott  over 9 years ago

    As a pastor, I say AMEN to that! (Actually, my congregation is very good about giving.)

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    Pharmakeus Ubik  over 9 years ago

    Perhaps they have little left after rendering unto Caesar.

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    William Willis  over 9 years ago

    Preach it Brother.

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    Dani Rice  over 9 years ago

    Lord, when did we see You hungry or naked…?

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    K M  over 9 years ago

    Funny how that $20 that looks so small at the grocery store looks so big when the collection plate comes by.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    Dani RiceYou left out “or a stranger” – proof that 29 Republican and one Democratic governors (at last count) are not Christian.

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    fleebell  over 9 years ago

    Personally I quit donating to the one I was going to and then just quit going there period. They want to fund a dozen or so different missionary families to South America when we only had about 50 people in the congregation. As far as I’m concerned a church should be helping people local to the church and not building churches for people 5000 miles away. I’ve got nothing against those folks but they can build their own churches as far as I’m concerned.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    My congregation is the result of a merger of two. The first is Anglo and was never local, but drew members from at least three counties (one 65 miles away). The other is Hispanic, and after the bario was broken up, they dispersed also to three (different) counties. The united congregation helped build a church in Cartegena – not sent money, but went to Columbia and helped construct it. It is now serving their local community. Both congregations were centers of civil rights action, and the city power structure likes us even less now that we are one.

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    markjoseph125  over 9 years ago

    “…Give what’s right to God.”The rev appears to have a pretty high opinion of himself.

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