Tired of searing the roof of his mouth, Oscar made sure to wear his pizza cooling system.
Smart man.
Everytime, I need one of these. Glad I’m not alone.
He was his own biggest fan.
I’m whacky when I eat pizza. I pull the toppings off and eat the crust first. THEN I eat the best part!
Lean over a little, and it will chew for you, too.
August 21, 2015
ACW1 over 9 years ago
Smart man.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago
Everytime, I need one of these. Glad I’m not alone.
J Short over 9 years ago
He was his own biggest fan.
bookworm0812 over 9 years ago
I’m whacky when I eat pizza. I pull the toppings off and eat the crust first. THEN I eat the best part!
ted.hering over 9 years ago
Lean over a little, and it will chew for you, too.