It’s about time for a Mee Maw sighting..(Mee Maw is my favorite character in this strip, hands down).The squirrel strips were driving me nuts!.(Kind of like Prickly City’s bunny strips)
Bandusia15We had a case where a spoiled brat killed four people and a corrupt judge let it off because the poor dear suffered from “affluenza” and couldn’t know drunk driving was wrong. He was photographed recently at a drunken party and again nothing is done because he is rich.
Cheapskate0 about 9 years ago
It’s about time for a Mee Maw sighting..(Mee Maw is my favorite character in this strip, hands down).The squirrel strips were driving me nuts!.(Kind of like Prickly City’s bunny strips)
abbybookcase about 9 years ago
i love vicki. my favorite part hands down
hippogriff about 9 years ago
Bandusia15We had a case where a spoiled brat killed four people and a corrupt judge let it off because the poor dear suffered from “affluenza” and couldn’t know drunk driving was wrong. He was photographed recently at a drunken party and again nothing is done because he is rich.