I can see I took the wrong week for a vacation from the comics!.After a disappointing ending to a Dick Tracy story, and more than tired of Scott’s bunny strips, I thought I’d take the week off. Wrong answer!.While Scott Stantis is a political cartoonist, more power to him, nevertheless, I don’t think Prickly City is a good vehicle for politics. I don’t know whether it’s the daily funnies format or that Carmen and Winslow are rather lovable characters..For those who think all I do is complain, let it be known that I try to be among the first to compliment Scott when he has a good story line..I especially applaud him in having given us Carmen and Winslow, a liberal Democrat and a conservative Republican, who have decided to be friends. Prickly City 16 Sep 2015 says it all. Bravo!.I think his Sunday black hole story is promising, as well..And I like where this story is going, so far, as well..So there!
Comic Minister Premium Member about 9 years ago
Cheapskate0 about 9 years ago
I can see I took the wrong week for a vacation from the comics!.After a disappointing ending to a Dick Tracy story, and more than tired of Scott’s bunny strips, I thought I’d take the week off. Wrong answer!.While Scott Stantis is a political cartoonist, more power to him, nevertheless, I don’t think Prickly City is a good vehicle for politics. I don’t know whether it’s the daily funnies format or that Carmen and Winslow are rather lovable characters..For those who think all I do is complain, let it be known that I try to be among the first to compliment Scott when he has a good story line..I especially applaud him in having given us Carmen and Winslow, a liberal Democrat and a conservative Republican, who have decided to be friends. Prickly City 16 Sep 2015 says it all. Bravo!.I think his Sunday black hole story is promising, as well..And I like where this story is going, so far, as well..So there!
Pharmakeus Ubik about 9 years ago
Liberal Republicans seem like they should be on the endangered species list. Who’s bucking the tide of nativism and bedroom policing?
I’d like to see his view of the funny animals behind the Cruz, Carson, and Trump campaigns.
kaffekup about 9 years ago
Well, at least Winslow knows the true meaning of the holiday.