This could almost quench my desire for doughnuts. Almost.Don’t be so suggestible, Gary!
I don’t see the two donut holes.
Well, that’s not the body part I had in mind.
Like eating rice and talking about maggots.You can tell who has an imagination and who doesn’t.Who has a strong stomach and who is queasy.
October 24, 2014
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
This could almost quench my desire for doughnuts. Almost.Don’t be so suggestible, Gary!
crowcrew about 9 years ago
I don’t see the two donut holes.
J Short about 9 years ago
Well, that’s not the body part I had in mind.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 9 years ago
Like eating rice and talking about maggots.You can tell who has an imagination and who doesn’t.Who has a strong stomach and who is queasy.