Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 17, 2015
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Every Thursday Vintage 2011 Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Fox News Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Rudolph: Hi, guys! Can I play? Coach: Not with that nose! Rudolph: B-but Christmastown law says that while on public property, EVERYONE has to be included! Coach: Christmastown was founded by toy-making elves and BLACK-NOSED reindeer, you FREAK! O'Icy: Certain radical elements are trying to ruin REINDEER GAMES by disallowing our tradition of black-nosed flying trials! FOX NEWS The War on Reindeer Games The O'Icy Factor O'Icy: Worse, there are ELVES who think they can practice secular dentistry just because the elf workshop is a government building! FOX NEWS The War On Toy-Making The O'Icy Factor Rudolph: Let's go, Hermey! We're misfits! Hermey: People who are DIFFERENT aren't welcome here in Christmastown! Rudolph: SANTA! Hermey: Are you here on Christmas Eve to tell us there's a place for us in Christmastown after all? Santa: Ho, ho, ho! No, the Spirit of Christmas has always been about marginalizing outsiders and minority peoples! Rudolph: But it's so FOGGY tonight! Can't I help? Santa: Nah, I deliver toys by DRONE now anyway! Merry CHRISTMAS from Fox News!
Randy B Premium Member about 9 years ago
Toys, missiles… it’s so confusing.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 9 years ago
Oh, well, if it’s from Fox news, then thank you and to all a good night, or something.
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member about 9 years ago
Redolf the rude-nosed reindeer*Had a very naughty nose,And if you ever saw itYou would blush down to your toes.All of the other reindeerTeased till he broke out in hives,They wouldn’t let poor RedolfAnywhere near their reindeer wives!
Then one censorious Christmas EveSanta came to say:“Redolf, with your nose so rude,“Won’t you shock this dreadful Prude?”Then all the reindeer tolerated him,And they shouted “Out with Glee!“We don’t think that programme“Should be on Reindeer TV!!”**____________________________
 *Thank goodness we don’t have a picture. **They were very opinionated and couldn’t stick to the subject—bit like me,really.Carl Premium Member about 9 years ago
So everything in Christmas town belongs to the government?
Dirty Dragon about 9 years ago
♪♫ Why am I such a mis-fitBill-o is such a nit-witYou can’t oppress me, I quitLet’s all self-deport. ♪♫
Eclectic-1 about 9 years ago
Ruben’s Christophobia is showing.
Malcolm Hall about 9 years ago
I trust that Santa’s drones will kill a few outsiders in between toy drop-offs.
lunchmas about 9 years ago
I’ve never understood why Fox defends the Socialist ideal of Christmas. Bleeding heart Santa flies around the world giving toys to all the “good” little children regardless of their ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Liberal claptrap. If they want toys they can work three jobs and buy them from China like Americans do.
markjoseph125 about 9 years ago
Another thing—anyone notice how Santa always brings rich children more stuff than he brings to poor children? I would think the rethuglicans would absolutely love him for that!