The City by John Backderf for July 14, 2010

  1. Tif whatifucan
    Ashrey  over 14 years ago

    I need to ride Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh’s shoulders to win a ring. There’s a tweet.

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  2. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...â„¢  over 14 years ago


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    Russell Sketchley Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I came across this gem yesterday, in which a bunch of athletes share their thoughts about Twitter.

    Charles Barkley is the best.

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  4. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    Love the Halliburton body bag. Tell me DERF, do you still boycott DOW chemical products because of NAPALM? You’re right, it’s old.

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  5. Beehive
    poohbear8192  over 14 years ago

    I would hope that this is massively atypical behavior. Nothing excuses this, not even basketball mania.

    Is John totally out of line for suggesting this?

    Does this duty desensitize soldiers to this extent?

    Frag time?

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  6. Beehive
    poohbear8192  over 14 years ago

    Sure the Labron stuff is over the top and should be a great source of comic humor but this one s##########cks.

    I can think of all sorts of crazy scenarios that John could have used to satirize the Labron craziness.

    For instance:

    One sky diver to another as they reach critical altitude.

    Pull your cord! Pull your cord!

    The other sky diver.

    Wait one minute, I’m checking Labron’s tweets.

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    HARVIN  over 14 years ago

    America uses mercenaries now. America hasn’t needed soldiers since 1945.

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    peachyanddanny  over 14 years ago

    Halliburton has $600mil in Afghanistan contracts. They do supply body bag, and maybe they’re functionalt, because you can’t electrocute a dead soldier. Still making cash for Dickless all these years after he stole the election and appointed himself VP. And Cheney’s still indictable as a war criminal.

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    Edcole1961  over 14 years ago

    The point of the cartoon was that Americans care far more about the NBA free agent market than the fate of our troops. He uses hyperbole by implying that the troops themselves feel the same way. It does not insult the military in any way, only those people who go around worrying about sports, but not the people fighting in the war.

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    BrandeX  over 14 years ago

    Soldierboy and anyone else who isn’t smart enough to figure out the meaning of this comic should re-read Edcole1961’s explanation again. He is completely correct. This comic satirizes people’s need to follow celebrity related issues over more important things, such as the war.

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