The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for February 13, 2017

  1. Missing large
    sfreader1  almost 8 years ago

    I don’t know why Patty would ask that question. It must be warm where they are since they are sitting outside in short sleeves, so it might be Summer. I leave my garage door open a few inches in the Summer too.

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  2. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Because if he left the door open, the exhaust fumes wouldn’t kill him as quickly as he wants to be done with living near the Penny’s.

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  3. Fun o meter
    ZBicyclist Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    It shows concern for animal welfare by making it easier for the mice and squirrels to get in and out.

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  4. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco  almost 8 years ago

    The opening at the bottom is not so much a help, but with the opening at the top (if you have doors that rise on tracks), the heat loss is quite helpful in the Summer. And, it can make your a/c work less too if the garage is attached or you have a bonus room above the garage.

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  5. Me kindergarten  2
    finnygirl Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Have a friend who left her garage door up just the slightest bit, enough for the paper boy to slide the newspaper in, so it wouldn’t get stolen from her porch. Her HOA actually complained! She got their attitude straightened out in a hurry about that!

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