A friend once said on the occasion of his golden wedding anniversary that the secret to their contentment lay in the mutual understanding they had right from the start that she would take all the little decisions, while he would make the big ones. So far there had never been any need for big ones.
x_Tech about 7 years ago
That’s the kind of call I refer to my cat.
Melki Premium Member about 7 years ago
Joy’s the Decider, though if it means getting up out of her chair, she just might let him handle it.
Dani Rice about 7 years ago
I like that “Accident in Progress” shirt!
jmcx4 about 7 years ago
NOW would be the time to start that old ’Dave’s not here’ gag.
Peam Premium Member about 7 years ago
A friend once said on the occasion of his golden wedding anniversary that the secret to their contentment lay in the mutual understanding they had right from the start that she would take all the little decisions, while he would make the big ones. So far there had never been any need for big ones.
paranormal about 7 years ago
He should have just asked the caller ’What are you wearing? Are you sexy?".
Train 1911 about 7 years ago
Call blocker does it for me