I don’t. There. Single space after a period. Looks like that’s what you did, too, Coyoty, intentionally or not. Not two spaces, as I just tried to use for sake of demonstration, but found that GoComics edited it down to one automatically!
Bruno, you might be on to something with this Continental Drift. What do we really know about it. Is this a weapon by terrorists.. I will have to troll my State Senator Tom Cotton. He might just be stupid enough to actually believe that this could be a real concern. As anti science and anti intellectual as he seems to be in fact. I am sure he will get right on it.
And everyone still, hates leaf blowers!Actually, it’s not the blowers, but the idiots that DON’T UNDERSTAND YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPURT THEM TO BLOW THE LEAVES! JUST KEEP YOUR FINGER ON THE DAMN TRIGGER!Worse than someone trying to rev/start a Harley! (Sorry Harley!)
Sherlock Watson about 9 years ago
Quite right, Opus — leaf blowers don’t belong after periods.
Kind&Kinder about 9 years ago
I say ban politicians; THEY’RE the blowhards!
Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago
I do. See?
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
I don’t. There. Single space after a period. Looks like that’s what you did, too, Coyoty, intentionally or not. Not two spaces, as I just tried to use for sake of demonstration, but found that GoComics edited it down to one automatically!
JHAppel about 9 years ago
I do also!
mourdac Premium Member about 9 years ago
Just keep repeating “I’ll make America great again” enough times, people will vote for you even though you have no idea how to do it.
PoodleGroomer about 9 years ago
This will add spaces .
Mitchtheone about 9 years ago
Bruno, you might be on to something with this Continental Drift. What do we really know about it. Is this a weapon by terrorists.. I will have to troll my State Senator Tom Cotton. He might just be stupid enough to actually believe that this could be a real concern. As anti science and anti intellectual as he seems to be in fact. I am sure he will get right on it.
dcrouse10 about 9 years ago
“First they came for the leafblowers, and I did not speak out.”
I move that the Meadow Party platform should be all inclusive.
Household appliances have rights too!
Guilty Bystander about 9 years ago
Ban leafblowers? Meh. If you want my vote, you’ll ban cell phones ringing in theaters.
txmystic about 9 years ago
I’m trying @PoodleGroomer’s trick at the beginning of the next sentence. Did it work?
gerrit dekker about 9 years ago
Once again we are missing a strip (#115). This could be a Sunday. Does anyone know where we can find out about this.
kevin87031 about 9 years ago
I am a 64 year old math teacher, eligible to retire but I love my work too much, and I use the double space after periods.
Tandembuzz about 9 years ago
I do. I also communicate in ways which are not limited to 145 characters, so I spell out my words in their entirety.
edward thomas Premium Member about 9 years ago
And everyone still, hates leaf blowers!Actually, it’s not the blowers, but the idiots that DON’T UNDERSTAND YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPURT THEM TO BLOW THE LEAVES! JUST KEEP YOUR FINGER ON THE DAMN TRIGGER!Worse than someone trying to rev/start a Harley! (Sorry Harley!)