It was in the teens this morning. I walked my puppy around the block then took my two year old for a two mile walk. They both still want to play outside!
NOT necessarily so… I have a friend who had a malamute/husky mix. The dog loved being outside in the cold. But the nosy neighbors would call the cops on him for animal cruelty during cold weather. He’d comply, bring the dog inside, and the poor thing was miserable in the house.
dwagon55 about 9 years ago
35 seconds in dog seconds is over 4 minutes!
sneezykevina about 9 years ago
Our dogs ran out this morning, did their thing and ran right back into the house. Yep it’s chilly out when they do that.
KEA about 9 years ago
Joseph McFarlane about 9 years ago
My dog LOVES the cold. If I want him to come in it takes a bribe (treat).
car2ner about 9 years ago
It was in the teens this morning. I walked my puppy around the block then took my two year old for a two mile walk. They both still want to play outside!
Pedmar Premium Member about 9 years ago
NOT necessarily so… I have a friend who had a malamute/husky mix. The dog loved being outside in the cold. But the nosy neighbors would call the cops on him for animal cruelty during cold weather. He’d comply, bring the dog inside, and the poor thing was miserable in the house.
Will The Pitbull about 3 years ago
That’s not an excuse to FREEZE DOGS