Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 18, 2016
Enjoy this classic Tom the dancing bug Vintage 1995 The adventure of sam roland the detective who dies The mystery of the tap dancing mummy - At the central city museum - Man: We appreciate your taking on this case roland! Roland: Glad to help! Man: I just don't understand how - or why - anyone would steal a mummy! Roland: Well, it didn't just walk away! Man: ah, this is the night janitor, svensen. He claims to have heard tap dancing last night! Man: and I found this from the exhibit! This might be a clue! I think I'll pay a little visit! -abandoned warehouse - On roland's arrival at the warehouse, he finds himself the subject of gunfire! Bang! Bang! Roland: Well, hi is suspicious! A plan quickly formulates in Rolands mind. That crate suspended over his head... Hmmm,,,,its dangerous. But it just might work! He lunges to release the rope holding up the dangling carrier.... ...But is shot and killed instantly! Roland: AAA.... The mystery of the tap dancing, mummy may one day be solved, but it won't be by sam roland the detective who dies!
dadoctah about 9 years ago
Abandoned Warehouse: linchpin of the vast holdings of J Emerson Abandoned, tycoon.
pumaman about 9 years ago
Abandoned but not empty by a long shot.
Linguist about 9 years ago
Sam Roland should never have gotten wrapped up with that tap dancing mummy case. The threads that led him to the suspect in the Abandoned Warehouse were thin at best.
His case unraveled before his eyes.
Tut,tut ! Now he’s the one who’ll be embalmed.
All begauze he gyped someone. It was a pyramid scheme.
InColorado about 9 years ago
He might be dead, but he will be back in another thrilling episode, where he will once again … die,
ChessPirate about 9 years ago
I’ll bet ISIS is RA-sponsible…