Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for February 25, 2016
Lupin: We now join Tommy for a rare, wonderful look into the world of "barn catting." (TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP) Tommy: Burt, what duties do you perform as a barn cat? Burt: Security and morale, mostly. Lady Cats: Morning, Burt Burt: 'Ladies. Tommy: Hi! Chicklets: Hello Burt! Burt: Good morning, girls! Tommy: Are all farm animals female? Tommy: Who's that? Burt: Baba Mouse. She's had over 90 kittens, she's almost blind and older than dirt. Burt: Perfect hearing though. Tommy: What does she do? Burt: Keeps mice from stealing the feed, mostly. Baba Mouse: GIT! Tommy: Burt, how do you balance barn catting and reporting? Burt: Reporting! You know! Are you a reporter or an anchor cat? Tommy: Reporting! You know! Are you a reporter or an anchor cat? Burt: Well... I'm not much of a reporter. And I'm not really suited to sitting behind a desk. Burt: I'm more of an AV cat.
Thuja almost 9 years ago
I like the corn murals.
Map_One almost 9 years ago
All the mice wear horizontal stripes. Some wear masks. Classic thieves.
ladykat Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Elvis still looks irked in the first panel.
prairiedogdance Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Yay! And the robber mice step on the stage! Oh, Baba Mouse, you are so needed.
coffeeturtle almost 9 years ago
a news team is nothing without the behind the scenes folks.
rikkiTikki Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Baba her fangs. I think she has lost the rest of her teeth.
Kalkkuna almost 9 years ago
This is gonna be a real City Cat / CountryCat thing Pull-enty of material…
deadheadzan almost 9 years ago
Love Burt’s duties of morale boosting! All the girls love him! The plot thickens with introduction of AV material.
NaturLvr almost 9 years ago
Very cute portrayal. But, unfortunately, very different from the stark reality of an actual barn cat’s life. :-(
CoffeeLvr almost 9 years ago
Barn catting, so cute. My Dad brought me a barn kitty from a neighbor once, but she didn’t adapt to being a house cat at all so he took her back to the barn. He later found a younger barn kitten who became a beloved family member. (Not my avatar.)
DessaLu almost 9 years ago
My grandpa was a dairy farmer. He once offered me a beautiful black and white kitten from his barn. I only had to go up to the barn and choose which one I wanted. When my mom said no, I asked her why. She looked at her dad, who then exclaimed, “So what if the white is a stripe down the center of the kitten’s back!”
mistercatworks almost 9 years ago
So, are all farm animals female or what?
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Barn cats are special.
NaturLvr almost 9 years ago
Georgia, I love your cartoon and the sweet “Wonderland” life you have drawn for barn cats, but I wonder if you might address the often harsh reality of this very real and dismaying problem?
SunflowerGirl100 almost 9 years ago
ndalaff, what is your solution? That there should be not barn cats (and how would that work?) Have you been to the BCN website. Look at her Shelter Cats special. It doesn’t mention barn cats specifically but is definitely about cats that are ignored and neglected. You get feral cats everywhere, not just from barns. I suspect barn cats are a very small proportion of the total. As Rikki said up this thread, lots or barn cats are cared for. As you said, lots are not. That’s true of every situation. My two cats are both strays whom I began caring for – not feral but obviously pets who had been dumped. That’s the issue. People who don’t care for their cats and Georgia does address that.
SunflowerGirl100 almost 9 years ago
Over at the BCN website, Georgia just posted the brief autobio she did for GoComics
bfrg45 almost 9 years ago
And here’s the link to the GoComics blog, where Georgia’s post has generated more comments than any other post I’ve ever seen, except for the giveaways they occasionally have.
NaturLvr almost 9 years ago
To Georgia and SunflowerGirl: Sorry for my delay, just now saw your responses to my previous post. As I said before, some very deplorable conditions often exist for barn cats where I live in the Midwest. In getting involved with helping and rescuing many of these cats, I’ve seen some terrible conditions and it has obviously affected me in a negative manner. Georgia, I very much appreciate your response and the news that Burt is based on an actual barn cat with a good life. :-)SunflowerGirl: My solution is TNR (trap, neuter, release), adoption and also to advocate for the plight of these poor creatures in an effort to get farm families to take responsibility for the situations being created on their farms and to try to get the population explosion under control. My comments were spontaneous and I’m sorry to bring a dark cloud to Georgia’s sunny comic world.
-itz_cuki- over 3 years ago
RN or BN??